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View A Proof

View A Proof

Proofing is an important part of the printing process. One tiny error or omission can cause big problems. That's why we go to great lengths to proof every job for accuracy and overall quality.

It's even more important, however, that you review the document before it goes to press. You are responsible for the entire proof and its associated charges.

You will receive either a color laser print (close but not exact color), or a lo-res PDF proof by email. The lo-res "fuzzy" PDF proof is prepared in minimal size to allow most e-mail addressed to receive it. Both are no charge for the 1st proof. Additional charges apply for each additional proof(s) and/or email(s) to multiple addresses.

High resolution ink jet proofs are available for an additional cost plus shipping. This proof will match the printing press. Please allow extra time.

CLIENT ALTERATIONS: (additional cost)
Any revisions to proofs are in addition to quoted price and must be paid in full prior to delivery of final order.

Please contact us at 201.991.1030 in regards to your proofs.